Los Angeles’s PAN AFRICAN FILM FESTIVAL “SHAPING US” Exciting Debut Film by a Lagos-born Filmmaker


Shot entirely in a single location, SHAPING US is a thought-provoking, much needed film that explores and celebrates the love, beauty, and depth of human relationships, touching upon themes of motherhood, female emancipation, and friendship.

Kambili, a first time filmmaker was born in Lagos and raised in the UK. She channels her passion, diverse life experiences and commitment to truth in her work, and this film is particularly representative of her style and storytelling talent.

Kambili also appears in the film as Ara, one of the lead character - she is also an extremely talented actress.

I would love to know if you might be interested in covering the exciting news that SHAPING US will screen at The Pan African Film Festival? Might you be interested in an interview with Kambili?

The film is set to receive a lot of buzz across the festival circuit.