Director: Jacob Morrison
Narrator: DeLanna Studi
Name of Leads:
Genre: Feature Documentary
Runtime: 1 hour 21 minutes
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Water, Essential to Life
Director Jacob Morrison's extraordinary documentary 'RIVER'S END California’s Latest Water War' is a journey through the harsh politics of water in the Golden State and the impact it is having on its natural water sources in Northern California's San Francisco Bay estuary.

California is the fifth largest economy in the world and if the state's elected officials and the people that live there, can find a solution to balance its water usage and conservation, it would be invaluable as a model to other nations to help solve their own water crisis taking place around the world.
River's End provides its viewers an opportunity to think about their own states and countries natural water resources, a resource that every one must consume for survival. A person can choose to not consume, soda, candy, meat, alcohol, and other things, but water is not one of them. And it matters who controls the water and decides who and how it is consumes, matters greatly.

Will it be for the benefit of large agriculture corporations, small businesses and residents, Or just those who can afford to lobby and petition or government?
When you see and hear about the decisions made during droughts, the restrictions placed on small businesses, individuals and families on their water usage, compared to large agriculture corporations is eye-opening. Especially, considering their profits are made from overseas sales. Only to benefit their bottom-line, not for the public good.

Further complicating matters is the proposed multi-billion dollar tunnel system, a large water-infrastructure project that would stand to benefit the large, private agriculture corporations at the detriment of the surrounding communities and habitat. The importance of having conservation to balance the various needs are crucial. Without it, our natural resource will continue to dwindle. People need to be knowledgeable and have a seat at the table, while, is distributed.
Jacob Morrison, "If we can solve California’s water problems, we can solve the world’s. Learn where your water comes from—it’s a public resource and it belongs to you."

River's End is a great film that provides much needed knowledge on the history of California, its water and many controversies throughout the State of California.
Website: https://www.riversendfilm.com/
Production Co: A Jacob Morrison Production, Thin Ice Entertainment LLC
Run time: 1 hour 21 minutes
Director, Writer and Editor: Jacob Morrison
Narrator: DeLanna Studi
Producers: Jacob Morrison, Kurt S. Kittleson, Sam Furie
Cinematography: Benjamin Fischinger
Original Music: Jonny Bell
Animator: Sherif Higazy