High Octane Pictures Dark Comedy “Stealing Chaplin” on Prime Video

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A stylistic half-sibling to the works of The Coen Brothers, Guy Ritchie, Elmore Leonard, and Martin McDonagh, this film appeals to much of the same vast audiences who turned “Fargo,” “In Burges,” "Snatch," "Raising Arizona," “The Big Lebowski,” and “Mindhunter” into massively successful cult classics with a dark comedy inspired by a true story about two brothers who dig up and steal the corpse of Charlie Chaplin. Filmed on the legendary strip, Freemont Street and the 27 acre ranch of Mr. Las Vegas Himself Wayne Newton, the film honors the spirit of Las Vegas in true cinematic fashion.

“Stealing Chaplin” became the first comedy feature film to auction collectible NFT’s earlier this summer. Embracing the NFT world with not one but fifteen unique collectible NFT’s for auction providing comedic content crafted directly from the acclaimed diabolical dark comedy “Stealing Chaplin.” We also greatly appreciate your what's streaming, review and interview consideration for this comedic caper -- a slapstick a homage to Chaplin himself.

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he film stars Simon Phillips (“Age of the Living Dead, “ No Easy Days”), Doug Phillips (“Not All Who Wander,” “Butchers”), Al Sapienza (“The Sopranos,” “House of Cards,” “Suits”), Peter Woodward (“The Patriot,” “National Treasure: Book of Secrets,” “Babylon“), Ken Bressers (“The Nights Before Christmas,” “The United Nations of Horror”), Anne-Carolyn Binette (“Age of The Living Dead,” “The Scarlet Vultures,” “Butchers”), Liliana Vargas (“Make Mo Money,” “Sara Did It”), the cinematic debut of Bianca Katz, and Mr. Las Vegas Himself Wayne Newton. Inspired by real events, two Las Vegas based con men dig up and steal the corpse of comedian Charlie Chaplin in order to ransom it. With the theft gaining the world’s attention and the reward rising daily, soon every local lowlife, criminal and dirty cop wants a piece of the action.

Film Synopsis: Inspired by real events, two Las Vegas based con men dig up and steal the corpse of comedian Charlie Chaplin in order to ransom it. With the theft gaining the world’s attention and the reward rising daily, soon every local lowlife, criminal and dirty cop wants a piece of the action.

Where to follow the film and its journey:
Instagram: @StealingChaplin
Twitter: @StealingChaplin

View Trailer Below!