View New Trailer for Gravitas Ventures “The Unabridged Mrs. Vera’s Daybook”

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NuReality Productions “The Unabridged Mrs. Vera’s Daybook,” a film by prolific LGBTQ filmmaker Robert James (Library of Dust, The Night MinisterRuminations, and Verasphere: A Love Story in Costume), ahead of the film’s upcoming global TVOD/Digital release across all platforms through Gravitas Ventures on August 1st.

Experience the joy that is the award-winning, trailblazing story of activism and community through the Verasphere told in NuReality Productions The Unabridged Mrs. Vera’s Daybook.”  The Verasphere  is an organically founded community based in and around San Francisco, CA. A space of freedom of creative expression, activism and support from the LGBTQIA+ community for the world—no gender politics or boundaries to artistic expression. Archiving and curating the art and history of the LGBTQIA+ community.  Archives of the Verasphere  art and their story can be found in multiple locations. The Verasphere founders work with the Harvey Milk Center, and Open House in San Francisco. Art in motion with Verasphere  individual jackets now, and annual Pride and year round representation. The Verasphere brings people together—the Verasphere brought the documentarian to our stars, and a Verasphere friend brought the film to her distributor.

The Verasphere  team have never charged for their art—the art they share freely with the world.


“The Unabridged Mrs. Vera’s Daybook”  tells the brilliant story of historic activism, love, and community art through the works of two prolific San Francisco artists, David Faulk and Michael Johnstone, who also happen to be long-term AIDS survivors and extraordinary activists who were instrumental in ACT UP and the NAMES Project (culminating in the March On Washington/installation of Aids Quilt in Washington, D.C.). During one of the darkest periods in US History, two men decide to bring all the joy and color to a broken community for which an entire movement has emerged. Taking to the streets bedecked in glitter, baubles, and recycled plastic, the two form a cadre of colorful kindred spirits they call Verasphere, supporters, fellow activists and members of the Queer Art Community join the film to help paint this vivid portrait of perseverance, compassion and outrageous dime-store fashion, photos here. Having received the coveted Community Grand Marshall appointment for the San Francisco Pride Parade in 2019, our film subjects confront a new pandemic and celebrate 25 years of making sensational art together.