TAZZEKA: Film Review
By Yevette Renee
Director: Jean-Philippe Gaud
Writer: Jean-Philippe Gaud , in collaboration with Mariannick bellot
Cast: Mandi Belem, Quidad Elma, Abbes Zahmani, Oliver Sitruk, Adama Diop, Khadija Bouzekri
Language: Arabic/French with English subtitles
A Person’s Passion and Motivation Can Propel Them Through Obstacles
With a passion for cooking that was nurtured in a way that only a grandmother can, Elia (Mahdi Belemih) dreams of going beyond the boundaries of his rural village of Tazzeka in Morocco, where he was raised by his grandmother (Khadija Bouzekri),in Director Jean-Philippe Gaud’s first feature film Tazzeka and that is his second film in 16-years.
While working in a local Tazzekan restaurant owned by Youssef (Abbes Zahmani), Elia dreams of going to Paris to further his cooking desires because the small village provides little opportunity to further his culinary ed ucation, especially considering Youssef’s strict authenticity to his already established menu.
Raised by his grandmother, multi-generational family unit that is a common practice. Elia meets Salma (Quidad Elam) who lives in Paris and is visiting her family in Tazzeka.
His grandmother’s fear and her total disapproval of Elia’s going to Paris are potent emotions that hang over Elias as he struggles with his desire to go to Paris.
Director Gaud does a great job portraying the hardship and struggles of immigrants.
It reminds one of the challenges that immigrants face around the world, where people like Elias seek better chances of bettering his economic status.
Writer Mariannick Bellot provides the cast with realistic discourse.
Film comparison to relevant events or movie: As it stands in the United States, under the current administration, just as in the film, it is extremely hard for immigrants to migrate to other country, seeking better opportunities and valuable education. You see so much of what’s going on today in the lives of Elias and others.
Location is well chosen filmed in Tazzeka, Morocco in Africa. The setting it add or subtract from my experience?
The original sound track by Simon Minoun and Chadi Chouman provides added suspense .
Tazzeka is a good film.
Conclusion (Tie back to the thesis, Give guidance to the audience to see or not see the movie)
Run time: 1 hour 35 minutes
Director: Jean-Philippe Gaud
Producer: Jean-Philippe Gaud, Avelle Hutchings
Production Co.: Takka Films
Cast: Modhi, Quidad Elman, Oliver Sitruk, Abbes Zahmani, Adama Diop, Khadija Bouzekri
Writer: Mariannic Bellot, collaboration with Jean-Philippe Gaud
Photographer: Rѐmi Mazet
Editor: Chadi Chouman, Simon Mimou n
Art: Elodie Martin
Set Decorator: Elodie Martin
Sound: Bruno Ehlinger
Visual Effect: Benjamin Ganteille
Original Score: Simon Minoun, Chadi Chouman